What is the Team Brain? How does the Team Brain control my actions? You may think you are in control of all you do – but it’s not the case. Whenever we live or work together in groups, a team brain is formed. This team brain is often more powerful than your individual brain in […]
What is social stress? Why do some people make me feel more stressed? Can teams ‘create’ stress together? Within our relationships we throw stress between us as if it was a hot potato. Discover the destructive co-created patterns that emerge under stress and how to change the dynamic to improve the atmosphere for everyone. Part […]
How Stress becomes Contagious: Our Social Nervous System Behaviours
Is stress contagious? How can I stop others making me stressed? How can I stop stress damaging my relationships? How should we react to stress? Discover the 10 clusters of relational styles we automatically adopt under threat, stress and pressure. Learn to recognise when your behaviour is being controlled by your social nervous system […]
How the Social Nervous System is Toxic for Well-being
What is the Social Nervous System? Why is it toxic for wellbeing? How can I overcome it? Our social nervous system is our ancient tribal survival system, enabling us to escape threat together. But it's efficiency at passing stress across a group means that today it has now become the greatest threat to our well-being. […]
Bowen Systems Theory: From Research Roots to Modern Impact Today
What is Bowen Systems Theory? Who is Murray Bowen? What’s unique about Bowen Systems coaching? How can I learn about Bowen Systems? Bowen Systems theory and its therapeutic approach, Bowen Systems coaching, form the foundation of Dr Kissell's innovative Team Brain® programme. Dive into Bowen Systems, tracing its cutting-edge research origins and its profound influence […]
Is the Team Brain® Programme Your Answer? Find out here.
Team Brain is a psychological evidence-based programme, rooted in Bowen Systems theory, that improves your mental health, enhances the quality of your relationships and builds your leadership skills both at home and at work, for long-term, sustainable, and resilient thriving. The purpose of the Team Brain Programme The Team Brain programme offers a comprehensive understanding […]