Meet Bowen Systems Theory

Bowen Systems theory and it’s therapeutic approach, Bowen Systems coaching, form the foundation of Dr Kissell Team Brain® programme and act as the guiding principles for therapy, couple therapy, executive coaching and parent coaching sessions.

Murray Bowen is one of the first generation of family therapists, psychiatrists who went beyond a view of mental health as residing solely within the confines of the patient, to a systemic view which recognised the formative influence of the group on the well-being of the individual.

Bowen Systems emerged through extensive research within family groups, but Bowen’s theory of human functioning is equally relevant to all types of groups, from compact work teams through to sprawling nation states.

The theory particularly focuses on the flow of stress and tension across groups and how this shapes both relationship dynamics and individual health. This focus makes the theory exceptionally relevant for today’s hectic, pressurised and volatile world.

This empirical approach offers a way of creating and being in relationships which both empowers the individual and deepens the level of authentic connection. The outcome? Enhanced mental health and greater satisfaction with our connections, our life and our work.

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Bowen Systems Theory: From Research Roots to Modern Impact Today

Discover the evolution of Murray Bowen's Systems Theory, from its empirical roots to its current practical applications and impact on the Team Brain approach.

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Coming next: The eight core concepts of Bowen systems theory 

Uncover the distinct ways we pass stress between ourselves and the different types of relationship systems which emerge through these interactions.

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Dr Kathryn Kissell is a trading name of The Team Brain Partnership Ltd |  Company number 13630840  | VAT registered – GB 395 3640 68
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