Category: Discover The Team Brain Programme

Meet the Team Brain: Our most powerful influencer

What is the Team Brain? How does the Team Brain control my actions? You may think you are in control of all you do – but it’s not the case. Whenever we live or work together in groups, a team brain is formed. This team brain is often more powerful than your individual brain in […]

How the Team Brain mirrors our Individual Brain

How does the Team Brain develop? How can I build a healthy Team Brain? The team brain of our families and the other groups and communities we belong to reflects our individual brain in the way that it develops, organises itself and thrives. Recognising this helps us to understand why making changes to the culture […]

Is the Team Brain® Programme Your Answer? Find out here.

Team Brain is a psychological evidence-based programme, rooted in Bowen Systems theory, that improves your mental health, enhances the quality of your relationships and builds your leadership skills both at home and at work, for long-term, sustainable, and resilient thriving. The purpose of the Team Brain Programme The Team Brain programme offers a comprehensive understanding […]

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Dr Kathryn Kissell is a trading name of The Team Brain Partnership Ltd |  Company number 13630840  | VAT registered – GB 395 3640 68
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